Apple's Super Bowl Message is Ironic

It's amazing to see the excitement Macintosh users are experiencing in anticipation of Apple Computer's return to advertising on the Super Bowl. It's easy to understand, after all, it was Apple's "1984" commercial in during the Super Bowl that set the standard for "event advertising" in the big game.

A lot has changed in the 15 years since Apple first advertised in the Super Bowl. While the Macintosh set the standard for an easy-to-use what-you-see-is-what-you-get computer, most folks don't use a Macintosh to get their work done today. If you're not a graphic designer, composer or work in the public school system, the Mac has not become the computer for you. It's Microsoft Windows.

So as Mac users look to this Super Bowl with anticipation, what is the message from Apple they and millions of others will hear? It will about the Year 2000 (Y2K) computer problem. Isn't it ironic that the computer invented "for the rest of us" and for the most part is immune from the Y2K, bug hasn't become the computer for the masses.

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